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2024 SMART Tips for Parents – SID Handout

2024 SMART Tips for Parents – Resources


Class Projects

Each class will provide soup for the Chili Cook Off.  Parents are asked to volunteer with summer maintenance.

K-5 have monthly parties to celebrate things like Halloween, Christmas, and Catholic Schools Week. There will be treat and drink assignments for each student, so keep a lookout for a note from your room helper.

Kindergarten Room Helpers:  Teacher,  Emma Ebel,  graduated from Nebraska Wesleyan and is looking forward to working with your children! In addition to learning their ABC’s and 123’s, Mrs. Ebel will be taking them on a spring field trip as well as to our local nursing homes. Room helpers are:  Antonia Harring, Nicole Witt, and Becky Vonderschmidt.

First Grade – Room Helpers:  No longer bottom of the totem pole these kiddos get to enjoy Mrs. Sue Ebel for 1st grade. They also get to participate in an Earth Day field trip. In May, they make a fun trip to Jonesbrook Assisted Living to race in the Kentucky Derby while the residents cheer them on! Also, the room helper for this year will be in charge of the reception for the 2nd grade class First Confession. Room helpers are Alisha Hoppe, Veroncia Jarred, and Jessie Casey.

Second Grade – Room Helpers:  Mrs. Betsy Nelson is your teacher for this class! This is the year of First Confession and First Communion. They will be busy with different religious obligations and memorizing prayers! There are also 3 separate religion meetings for the parents of the children receiving First Communion. Room Helpers are Aluanda Adams and Callie Mullins.

Third Grade – Room Helpers: Students get to enjoy Mrs. Emily Clark this year!  In the fall, she and the students will be presenting a Speech with historic costume event! Around Easter time, the class will work with Mrs. Wertenberger to make a Butter Lamb. This is a fun tradition that you can enjoy with your family on Easter Sunday! Room helpers are Nate Froeschl, Andrea Neville, and Carla Rhodd.

Fourth Grade – Room Helper: By the time these students get to Mrs. Jenna Schawang, they have it all figured out! Stop in and see what your students have been growing/raising/incubating! They will be taking a field trip to Living History Day in Table Rock. Each student will have a history project which they will present to family and friends for Nebraska History Day. Room Helpers are Wendy Tubbs, Katie Niedfeldt, and Vanessa Schawang.

Fifth Grade – Room Helpers:   This is a big year for your students “switching wings”. They will now enter thru the West doors and will get their own locker! They will still have a homeroom and they are lucky enough to have Mackensie Nelson! We’ve heard rumors that she lets the students get comfy and take off their shoes! Shh! Band is required for each student this year. They will also be dressing out for PE. They will get to take a trip to Lincoln to UNL to visit a museum and tour campus.  Parents will be asked to help or provide desserts for the Shrimp Feed. Room Helpers are Felicia Martin and Michelle Wilcox.

Sixth Grade – Room Helpers:   This is your student’s last year with a homeroom. They will get their morning started with Mr. Luke Santo and social studies, but their primary teacher will be Mrs. Julie Froeschl! Mrs. Froeschl is carrying on a family tradition, as her own mother taught 6th grade at Sacred Heart for 23 years. The 6th graders will be required to participate in band and dress out for PE. This year they will get to present a biography speech! 6th grade students and parents help serve the Athletic Banquet and will be asked to help or provide desserts for the Shrimp Feed. Room Helpers are Hilari Courtney and Katie Geisendorf.

Junior High and High School Responsibilities by Grade

 7TH GRADE- Room Helper:   In November the girls will help with the Sts. Peters & Paul Turkey Bazaar.  In December the Basketball boys will play in the Knights of Columbus Basketball Tournament, and the girls will play in February.  The girls and their parents are asked to help with the concession while the boys play and the boys and their parents are asked to do the same when the girls play in the tournament. The boys will help work the Knights of Columbus Fish Fry in March.  The room helper will organize the class soup for the chili-cook off in November.  The room helper will also organize volunteers to help serve and clean-up at the High School Graduation Reception held at the Parish Hall after the Graduation Ceremony. Room helpers are Kathy Kopf and Danitra Dill.

8TH GRADE – Room Helper:  sponsors: and Betsy Nelson  In November the girls will help with the Sts. Peters & Paul Turkey Bazaar.  In December the Basketball boys will play in the Knights of Columbus Basketball Tournament, and the girls will play in February. The girls and their parents are asked to help with the concession while the boys play and the boys and their parents are asked to do the same when the girls play in the tournament. The boys will help work the Knights of Columbus Fish Fry in March.  The room helper will organize the class soup for the chili-cook off in November.  Ending the 8th grade year, they will attend 8th grade Promotion with a reception at the Parish Hall.  Room Helpers are Paige Wilson, Stacey Bailey, and Trisha Fletcher.

FRESHMEN – Class sponsors:  This is the year parents and students begin fund-raising for prom and after prom.  Class sponsors organize student fund-raising to pay for prom their junior year.  Parents and class sponsors also organize fund-raising to pay for after prom their senior year.  Christmas Formal- Freshman are in charge of decorations and clean-up for the dance.  Class officer parents are asked to chaperone and help freshman students with clean-up.

SOPHOMORES – Room Helper: Class sponsors:   Christmas Formal- Class sponsors and sophomore students will organize the music and refreshments for the dance. Stadium Clean-Up- After every home football game of regular season and playoffs, students and parents are asked to help clean the stadium.  The class account is paid for this. If you have a leaf blower please bring them; these work awesome and help speed the cleaning process up. 8th Grade Promotion- Sophomore room helper will call for parent volunteers to serve and clean-up.

JUNIORS – Class sponsors:  *Prom- A budget will be determined by the class sponsors depending on the class size.  Class sponsors will help assist students with venue, decorations, meal, music and pictures.  Class officer parents are responsible for chaperoning. Class sponsors organize the junior students to make clean-up arrangements.  *Cake Raffle- Parents are asked to bring a homemade item to home volleyball, football, and basketball games as requested.

SENIORS – Class sponsors:   *Homecoming- Students will decorate the hallway and paint cars under the direction of class sponsors.  *Living Rosary- Seniors are responsible for leading the rosary.  They are also responsible for the readings, music and Baby Jesus.  One set of parents of the senior class will be asked to be Mary and     Joseph.  *After-Prom-Senior parents will vote on a venue within budget to have after-prom.  A limited amount of money will be donated from the class account. Other expenses will need to be covered by parents.  *Retreat- Cost of priest, mileage, food, substitutes for class sponsors and any rental fees will come out of the senior fund-raising budget. *Cap and Gown Ceremony- Seniors will show the class video produced during Video Production Class.  *Graduation- Early in the school year, seniors will order announcements, caps and gowns.  *$100.00 of class treasury budget will go to the school to pay for mailings, paper and bookkeeping.

Student and Parent Responsibilities by Organization or Activity

Helping Hands – Sponsors: Paige Vitosh and Julie Froeschl

*Helps with Community Service upon request

*Helps maintain church and school grounds

*Provides some money toward Christmas Formal DJ

*Cleans Auditorium after home Basketball games

National Honor Society – Sponsor: Kylee Reschke

*The National Honor Society Induction is held on Wednesday during Catholic Schools Week.  Mrs. Smith arranges everything for the induction ceremony.  (programs, candles, candle-lighting program, etc.)    The NHS members are in charge of the All School Mass following the induction.

*Homecoming- National Honor Society will plan and clean-up the Scavenger Hunt. NHS parents will be asked to provide refreshments for the Homecoming dance.

*Fundraising- students sell candy bars

Student Council – Sponsors: Christina Wertenberger and Angie Taft

*Homecoming- Themes are picked and approved by sponsors for dress up days during homecoming week.  Student Council is responsible for the All School Mass, dance, decorating and music. Student     Council Officers Parents are asked to chaperone and help with clean-up.  Students and parents will also be asked to help with the taco feed and provide ingredients used.  A hot dog feed for the students    will be a part of the week and Student Council Members are asked to bring chips and cookies.

*Blood Drive- Students publicize and help organize the drive by making phone calls to the public.  Students will be asked to help provide cookies for canteen.

*During the year, Student Council will complete one special project, the Adopt a Family Project and gather coats to donate for the Coat Drive and provide breakfast during testing week.

Play Production – Sponsors: Pam Smith, Stephenie Bippes, Mackensie Nelson

* The Dessert Theatre is on a Sunday evening and all parents with a student in One Act are asked to bring a dessert.  Some parents will need to help cut and serve desserts and help with clean-up.