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Our Parishes

Special thank you to the parishes that support our school. Without your continued support, we wouldn’t be here to mold the next generation into well rounded, disciples of Christ.


St. Peter and Paul Catholic Church

1820 Fulton Street 
Falls City, NE  68355 402-245-3002, rectory
Fr. James Meysenburg, Pastor

Mass times: 
Saturday evening at 5:00pm
Sunday morning at 7:00am and 10:00am

Immaculate Conception Catholic Church

617 Rouleau Street
Rulo, NE 68431
402-245-4731, rectory
Fr. Ben Rynearson, Pastor
Mass time: Sunday morning, 8:30am

St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Arago

402-245-4731, rectory
Fr. Ben Rynearson, Pastor
Mass Time:  Sunday Morning at 10:00am


St. Anne’s Catholic Church




507 Main Street
Shubert, NE 68437
402-245-3595, rectory
Fr. Tony Bedient

Mass times:
Sunday morning at 8:30 am (2nd, 4th Sundays)
Sunday Morning at 10:30am (1st, 3rd, 5th Sundays)


St. Mary’s Catholic Church

312 4th Street
Dawson, NE 68337
402-855-3595, rectory
Fr. Tony Bedient
Mass times: 
Saturday evening at 5:30p.m. 
Sunday morning at 8:30 am (1st, 3rd, 5th Sundays)
Sunday Morning at 10:30am (2nd, 4th Sundays)