One act preview

Sacred Heart One Act team to perform ‘The Tricks of Scapin’ 

By: Alise Reschke and Emily Tubbs

With a historic first-place finish at last year’s district competition, the 2024 One Act Team is hoping for another successful season. After winning districts, the One Act Team earned a trip to the D2 state competition held on December 6 in Norfolk. Although the group did not place at state, they received eight outstanding actor awards.  

This year, with district and state goals in mind, Sacred Heart actors will be performing, “The Tricks of Scapin,” a wild comedy with lots of trickery and physical action based on a true story about two fathers who do not want their sons to marry. “I am looking forward to the seventeenth-century vibe. We have never had something like this before,” One Act coach Stephenie Bippes said. 

This year is the biggest One Act cast and crew yet. The team includes three freshmen, thirteen sophomores, eight juniors, and fourteen seniors. Bippes said, “This year’s major challenge will be the size of the cast and their ability to practice and perform on the Tiehen stage. We will plan to use the Tiehen floor for most practices.” Bippes thinks the big gym floor will help the group practice to be more prepared for big competitions.  

Last year, Pam Smith, the assistant director who helped lead the team to state, retired from teaching at the school and coaching the One Act team. This year Mackensie Nelson, the new fifth-grade teacher, has been appointed to the assistant director role. Bippes said, “This has been the most perfect and smoothest transition. She is so relaxed and great at costuming.”  

The first performance this year will be in Fairbury on November 16. The One Act team will perform the play for the local community at its dessert theatre on December1. Pioneer Conference One Act will be on November 30, and districts are on December 4.