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New Helping Hands Sponsor

Sacred Heart teacher takes on a new role as the Helping Hands sponsor.

By: Ryann Westengaard

Paige Vitosh, the 7th-12th grades science teacher at Sacred Heart School, began serving as a sponsor of Helping Hands this school year. Helping Hands is an organization at Sacred Heart in which students volunteer their time, outside of school hours, for the benefit of the school.  

Linda Kirkendall, a long-time teacher at Sacred Heart and Helping Hands sponsor, retired last year leaving the school in need of a new sponsor. Paige Vitosh took that role into her hands. Vitosh was able to have a smooth transition with the help of Mrs. Julie Froeschl, another sponsor of Helping Hands.  

One of the major contributions of Helping Hands during the school year is participating in cleaning the RAC after all home sporting events. They also aid with the Spaghetti Feed, Turkey Bizarre, Fish Fry, and the Craft Fair.  

Vitosh says that her favorite part of Helping hands is knowing that the kids are contributing for the good of the school and volunteering their time. It teaches them good morals and values. Along with that, Vitosh says she thinks any of the teachers would have been perfect for this role, so she is extremely grateful for the opportunity.  

Vitosh is taking on the role that Linda Kirkendall held for over 35 years and has done a great job so far. She is honored and proud to have taken on this role, and says that it keeps her involved in activities that she would not normally be involved in.  

The planning and organization of helping hands take a lot of effort, and luckily for us Vitosh is able and willing to do so. She said, “Our kids are great volunteers, and that comes from how they were raised not only by their parents but by Sacred Heart. I cannot wait to see what other things they volunteer for next.”