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Sacred Heart Guidance Counselor, Mrs. Jenny Dunn, can be reached at 402.245.4151 or

Scholarships Available:

Click on the scholarship name in the table below to go 
to a description of the scholarship.


Scholarship Search Sites:


ACT testing dates at Falls City High School          Center Code 17988

Transfer Nebraska

Transfer Nebraska: The “one-stop shop” for course transfer is the Transfer Nebraska website developed in collaboration with the University, state college system and community colleges. This website shows transfer ability among Nebraska’s public and private colleges.

Features Of Transfer Nebraska

  • Easy, quick-click method of seeing whether your courses will transfer
  • Course descriptions that help you see the similarities and differences between courses
  • Multi-year college catalogs to identify the exact course you took in a specific year
  • Course codes, numbers and credits that help you select the right course to take for optimum transfer

Visit to learn more


FASFA information

Federal student aid
  • For the 2017–18 year, you can apply between Oct. 1, 2016, and June 30, 2018.
  • For the 2018–19 year, you can apply between Oct. 1, 2017, and June 30, 2019.

However, there are a few federal student aid programs that have limited funds, so be sure to apply as soon as you can once the FAFSA form is available for the year you’ll be attending school.

State student aid You can find state deadlines at or on the PDF FAFSA form. Note that several states have financial aid programs with limited funds and therefore have a deadline of “as soon as possible (after the FAFSA form becomes available).”
College or career school aid Check the school’s website or contact its financial aid office. School deadlines are usually early in the year (often in February or March, although some are even earlier now that the FAFSA form is available in October).
Other financial aid Some programs other than government or school aid require that you file the FAFSA form. For instance, you can’t get certain private scholarships unless you’re eligible for a Federal Pell Grant—and you can’t find out whether you’re eligible for a Pell Grant unless you file a FAFSA form. If the private scholarship’s application deadline is in early to mid-January, you’ll need to submit your FAFSA form before that deadline.

Students and parents need these items to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA):

Last year's (most recent) federal tax returns
W-2's from employer
Social Security Numbers
Birth date
Date parents were married, separated, divorced, or widowe
Value of checking/savings accounts and investments
Amount of last year's untaxed income
Student's driver's license number
Student's Alien Registration Number for eligible non-citizens

Follow these steps to apply:

*Create an FSA ID. (This replaces the PIN number) Both the student and 
the parent will need create a username and password at
*File your taxes as the FAFSA requires current tax 
*Gather the required items listed above
*Complete and file the FAFSA electronically at before your college's deadline