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Next week is Sacred Heart School’s Homecoming.  We celebrate the week of October 2-8 with our Homecoming football game on Friday, October 7, at 7:00 PM vs rival Johnson-Brock.  The Coronation will take place at Jug Brown Stadium right after the game.  The week is full of many activities for our students including the Scavenger Hunt, Student Council Cookout/Games, and the Dance after the game.  It is always interesting and entertaining to see how creative our students are with their costumes and their class skits. It’s a difficult week for learning with many distractions but our teachers and students do a good job of keeping the right balance of fun and school work. Thank you to all the teachers and students who organize and plan this big week for Sacred Heart School.

Our local alumni and friends are also able to celebrate our school’s Homecoming.  Besides the football game which can be enjoyed by everyone, one of the biggest highlights is the October 6, Pep Rally at 6:30 PM for all our Sacred Heart community.  The Thursday Pep Rally and Jersey Auction are in the RAC with the public invited.  And you don’t want to miss the Student Council Taco Feed which is prior to the pep rally beginning at 5:00 PM in the RAC commons area.

It’s always nice to see alumni return to Falls City for Homecoming.  This is a special time when our visiting alumni can join the Sacred Heart Family to celebrate our school.  Thank you to all our alumni who support our school with their prayers and their generosity.  Our school continues to stay strong because of the support of so many benefactors, friends and alumni.

Sacred Heart School – a family educating heart, mind, body and spirit for this life and the next.