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Thanksgiving was last week and there is much to be thankful for. I am thankful for the families that send their children to Sacred Heart School. I am thankful for our teachers and staff that work so hard to make our school what it is. I am thankful for all the benefactors of our school. There are so many people that support our school in so many ways. Thank you for your prayers, your talents, and your donations. Sacred Heart is like a family where we all work together and for each other to help our children grow and experience Jesus each day. I am thankful for the sacrifice that so many of you make to keep our school strong.
Our transportation fund continues to grow. The Husker Seatback/Concession Fundraiser has made our school over $40,000. Thank you to all those who volunteered and worked at the seven Husker games. Thank you for the people that matched our totals the last three games. And a big thank you to those who have donated to the transportation fund. We hope to purchase a bus over the next month if we find the one we think best fits our school’s needs. We continue raising money for this activity bus.
Finally, I want to thank Msgr. Robert Roh who for so many years was our school and parish leader. His twenty plus years of service to our school as our CAO/Superintendent was an inspiration to me. I miss working with him. He gave so much of himself and loved Sacred Heart like no other. So much of what our school is today is because of him.

Sacred Heart School – a family educating heart, mind, body and spirit for this life and the next.