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As we start a new school year, I ask that all of you pray for Sacred Heart School. Pray for all our students, our staff and all our families during this 2021-22 school year. School has started as normal as possible and we pray that can continue. We will make adjustments when necessary and will do our best to keep everyone safe and healthy. Please support us again like you did last year as we try to navigate through these difficult times. It is very important for parents to keep their children home when they have symptoms that could be COVID.  Screening your own children each day is more important than ever. If students have a fever or other symptoms, please err on the side of caution and keep them home.  Please rely on your family doctor and their medical advice on the best care for your children. If we all work together we can keep school safe and keep students in class which is everyone’s goal.
We welcome back many teachers who have dedicated their lives to teaching at Sacred Heart School. Thank you all. We welcome several new staff members. We are happy to have Jenna Schawang, Sherrie Hoffman, and Mary Darveau join our staff. The strength of our school is our staff who love your children and who sacrifice to teach at a school like Sacred Heart.
And welcome to the several new families that joined our school this year. We have several new students this year. Thank you for joining the Sacred Heart Family and entrusting us with your children.
 Please continue to be generous with your time and your talents. Our school depends on volunteerism in so many areas to help keep our costs low. Volunteering at our home games by working at the gate or in the concession stand is much appreciated. Thank you to all our volunteers that help at game as line judges and junior varsity and junior high referees. Please take part in our school fundraisers as these funds are vital to our school. Thank you to all our benefactors. There are so many people that donate to our school annually in so many ways. Thank you to all our grandparents and alumni who continue to give to our school annually. Some of you send us checks to help pay for things and many of you contribute to our Annual Fund which is an important piece of our budget.  And thank you to our five Catholic parishes and the funds that come from Sunday tithing that help them make their annual assessments.
Currently we are having our Booster Family Membership drive. Thanks to many of you who have joined by purchasing a $25, $50, or $100 membership. Thank you to those who have joined as $250 Corner members.  If you have not joined yet, please do. You can contact school or me directly to join. Or just send a check to school and mark it for a booster membership. This fundraiser helps pay for many things the Booster Club does for our school. And a special thanks to Cassidy Lotter our Booster Club President. Cassidy organizes and oversees many things the Booster Club does with its many fundraisers along with the big projects like the Auction/Fun Night and Chili/Soup Cook-Off among others. Thank you to Amanda Sipple who is the chairman of the Booster Auction/Fun Night. Also thank you to Bob and Janet Prichard. Bob and Janet are in charge of the Sacred Heart Concession stand at all our home games. Janet and Bob give of their time and are tireless workers. Not only do they work at our games but spend hours of their time getting supplies, setting up and then taking down at each game. Please say thank you to Janet, Bob and Cassidy when you get the chance.
Finally, I ask all our current Sacred Heart families with children in our school to pay their tuition and to pay in a timely manner. Tuition makes up roughly 30% of our budget. Our tuition is relatively low compared to other private schools. There is also assistance to families like the Good Shepherd and Guardian Angel scholarships. Thank you to all our families who choose to send their children to Sacred Heart School. Thank you for the sacrifices you make, the generosity of your time, and your financial commitment you make to send your children to our school.
Sacred Heart School – a family educating heart, mind, body and spirit for this life and the next