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College Credits

Options for Online College Credit

With advances in technology, there are many options for on-line classes. One of the most limiting factors is time.  Our students tend to carry a pretty full load, especially those who are on the track toward a four-year institution of higher learning.  When adding extracurricular events and activities as well as time with family and perhaps a job, many students find themselves over-extended.  Any consideration about taking on-line classes must be carefully thought out and discussed.  Additionally, some four year schools limit the number of credits they will admit toward their degree programs.  So taking a large number of credits in high school is not always advisable.

Another major consideration is that the grade earned in a college credit class may factor in the student’s college GPA.  Caution is urged because earning a low grade in a college credit class could affect their GPA in an undesirable way.

While Sacred Heart will try to help students taking these classes, most of the registration, textbook buying, classwork and paying for tuition is done directly with the college.  Most of this is not in Sacred Heart’s hands and so students will need to deal with the college directly.  Students need to be self-starters and need to keep up with the classwork required.

Please note:  Sacred Heart may make some limitations on courses that would be offered and proctored during the school day. If there are any more questions that I need to address with you, feel free to contact Father Oldham or Mr. Doug Goltz, Principal.

Here are the  current options we have available for obtaining college credit online.

Peru State College Early Entry Program:  The cost is $60/credit hour for classes with a $15 fee.  Books would be additional to these fees. Classes will also transfer to most other colleges without issue.  For more information go to and click on the “Online Programs” and also on the ‘High School Dual Enrollment’ tab.

The UNL Nebraska Now Program:  The Advanced Scholars Program is gaining a reputation as a good stepping stone for students desiring to enter the University of Nebraska.  Classes will also transfer to most other colleges without issue.  Approximate costs:  $250 flat rate for a 3 credit hour class, which isn’t bad when you compare it to the regular price of tuition at UNL which is $675.75.  (for a 3 credit hour class in high school, you could save up to $ 425.75.  Also, you must pay the $45.00 UNL application fee.  Other costs are textbook costs.)  Go to for more information.

Southeast Community College Dual Credit Advantage  This program offers SCC online classes which are $33.75 per credit hour. Go for more information.  NOTE:  Many larger schools, such as UNL, do NOT accept these credits, so please double check with your student’s intended college to make sure they will accept these before registering.

Southeast Community College SENCAP  Southeast Community College, in partnership with Educational Service Units, are proud to offer high school students the opportunity to enroll in Southeast Nebraska Career Academy Partnership (SENCAP) which offers several Academies: Agriculture, Business, Construction, Criminal Justice, Education, Health Sciences, Information Technology, and Manufacturing in Energy and Welding.

The program is designed for students to participate in SENCAP for two years with the intention of students earning college credit and preparing them for their future careers.  SCC has committed to waiving half of the student tuition and fees for their commitment and dedication to prepare for their career and post-secondary education. Also, refer to the NOTE above about SCC classes.  Go to for more details.

Having said all of this, it is now up to parents and students to decide whether any of the above options are something you would like or should pursue.  I would recommend the following:  You should make sure that you complete the required courses for high school graduation.

  • You must get permission from parents, principal and counselor.
  • You must be prepared to complete all necessary paperwork to become students in the program of choice.
  • GPA and class rank will be taken into consideration
  • You must be able to have access to a computer with the internet at home, as well as some other requirements that may be listed by the schools and classes/professors.
  • You must, when required, work with a proctor(the school counselor) in the completion of tests and quizzes.