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Donations 23-24

Month and Year to Date Summary Fiscal Year By GL_CODE for period ending
Code Description Amount
AF Annual Fund (AF) $142,438.55
ATH Athletics (ATH) $10,000.00
AUCTION BC Auction (AUCTION) $8,790.00
GA Guardian Angel (GA) $14,420.00
MISC Miscellaneous (MISC) $1,000.00
MBAND Music/Band (MBAND) $37.00
OP Operational (OP) $1,075.78
PARK Parking Lot donation (PARK) $1,000.00
PLAY Playground (PLAY) $15,640.00
SHF Shamrock Teacher Fund (SHF) $53,000.00
SC Shot Clocks-RAC (SC) $3,600.00
TWL Teacher Wish List (TWL) $18,022.94
TRANS Transportation Fund (TRANS) $17,810.92
Grand Total $288,835.19