Daycare Center

Sacred Heart Daycare and Learning Center opened in the fall of 2016.  Located in the lower level of O’Connor Hall, the center has 74 enrolled children of which 39 attend regularly.


Contact Us:
Sacred Heart Daycare and Learning Center 
1820 Fulton Street
Falls City, NE  68355
Phone: 402.245.3385
Director: Kendi McClarnen

Hours of operation:  7:30 am – 5:30 pm Monday through Friday

Rates:  Full time fees:  
Infant (6 weeks-18 months) 	$646.00 Monthly  $323.00 Bi-monthly  
18 months - 3 years		$542.00 Monthly  $271.00 Bi-monthly

Preschool 3-5 years             $531.00 Monthly  $265.50 Bi-monthly

5% discount on third child

After School care is available

We do our best to make accommodations. Full time infants will be given priority 
when we are scheduling due to staffing and state ratios.

Late Pickup - We close at 5:30pm. If you are late, we will charge you $1.00 
per minute you are late.

Fees will need to be paid for your scheduled time. If your child is ill or stays 
home for another reason, fees are expected to be paid.

Vacation:  We understand families will be wanting to take time off for vacations. 
We will give everyone, once a year, a week of non-paid daycare tuition 
(5 consecutive days) with a two week notice given to the director.


Daycare forms:  please click links below

Application          		Daycare Application form
Registration          		Registration
Child Info			Child Info
Permission to Photograph	Permission/Photograph
Permission to Leave		Permission/Leave 
Permission for Activities	Permission/Activities
Parent Handbook			Daycare-Parent-Handbook
Infant Feeding Schedule		Infant Feeding Schedule
Infant Supply List		Infant Supply List
DHHS Immunization		DHHS Immunization 
DHHS Parent Info		DHHS Parent Info
DHHS Licensing			DHHS Licensing
Illness Report                  Illness Report

Falls City Public Schools Child Care Partnership/Sixpence

The daycare providers that are a part of this program will receive training, materials, and support to help them in their daily role. This grant provides a coach/teacher to offer guidance in achieving the grant goals.  Susan Johnson is the Sixpence Director, and Susan Witt is the Child Care Partnership Coach.

The Sixpence grants are also connected to Nebraska’s Step Up to Quality child care rating and improvement system. Step Up to Quality, has a collaboration between the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services and the Nebraska Department of Education, which provides training and professional development, formal education and coaching opportunities to participating child care providers and their staff. The initiative assists providers in understanding and meeting accepted quality standards, and conducts assessment and data analysis for quality improvement. Step Up to Quality also gives parents the information they need to identify and choose quality care environments for their youngest children. Licensed child care providers involved in the Sixpence partnerships are required to be enrolled in Step Up to Quality and achieve a Step 3 rating on a 5-step quality scale by end of the third year of their Sixpence grant.

Since the Sixpence Childcare partnerships collaborate with Step Up to Quality, we see that all of the daycare and center-based programs go beyond the state licensing requirements.  By doing this all programs will better serve the needs of the young children and their families and will be able to prepare them for success in preschool then on into kindergarten.

Sixpence Newsletter